Welcome to Breathe and Birth,
I'm Lisa, I've been caring for women and children for over 18 years and have a special interest in preparing mums to have a smooth pregnancy and safe and comfortable birth. I now focus on midwifery, especially birth suite and supporting all women to have the best birth possible. I'm also a Mum to four beautiful kids aged 12, 10, 8 and 3.
My job is special and like no other. I get to be there when your baby arrives and you see them for the very first time. It can be hard to explain how joyful this is. My 'job' has allowed me to care for hundreds and hundreds of mums during pregnancy, birth and the first days with their newborn. But it never ever feels like work.
I am the person who holds your hand and walks beside you during your labour and reminds you that you can and will birth your baby.
I am the one who is excited and proud of every woman who does whatever she needs to do for her baby and her family.
I am the one who encourages you to breathe through each and every contraction or through a crisis of confidence and who wipes your brow with a cool cloth when your body is working at its hardest.
Along the way, I've learnt and studied about the things women find beneficial to help them prepare for and then birth their babies.
Many women approach the final trimester with a degree of fear, the fear of the unknown, of not being quite sure if they can do this. Deeply worried about managing pain or perhaps feeling they will be left to birth without a support team.
It's time to change those thoughts.
In my classes, I fill up your knowledge bank with endless tips and tools and information about what YOU can do, what you can control. Things you can do to prepare for birth, whatever that might look like. You can have a positive fearless pregnancy and you can have a safe and smooth birth. You will have a team of people around you to help you every step of the way.
You can join my hypnobirthing classes and learn everything, along with your support person, to assist you in preparing for a powerful birth.
Due to lots of requests I now also offer a variety of personalised telehealth support services. These sessions can provide you with a private appointment to ask questions, have a refresher if this is a subsequent birth, ask for tips about looking after yourself post-birth or even just to check if you've got your swaddle technique sorted! It's your time and I'll share with you everything I know to help you along.
If you're looking for someone to help guide you and prepare you for saying hello to your baby, get in touch. I'd love to meet you and make sure you've got all you need to know.
Registered Nurse
Bachelor of Nursing 2001
Registered Midwife
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery 2012
Hypnobirthing Australia Practititioner
Childbirth Education 2015
Hear me talk on the ABC Baby Talk Podcast.
As I chat all about what Hypnobirthing is, and what it isn't, with ABC host Penny Johnstone.
Click to the Classes Page to review the class options or to book a Free Personal Midwife Call